Monday, April 13th, 2009This is what I get.
I try and post a nice long message after four months and my computer has a brain fart and deletes the message. Typical.
This is what I get.
I try and post a nice long message after four months and my computer has a brain fart and deletes the message. Typical.
According to Phil, we have six more weeks to endure. Not that its been a very awful winter or anything. BTW, how could poor Phil she anything let alone his shadow, surrounded by all the masses of crazy people?
They are called Landrollers, and they really freak the hell out of me. I have no idea who would actually wear these out in public, but I’m sure they’ll end up like the crocs. One day suddenly everyone will be wearing them and then like the sheep that I am, I’ll want a pair… Oh god I hope not. They really are bizarre looking. Plus I can’t really imagine that they are that comfortable, because the wheels are out on the sides with nothing right underneath you. They look hideous. Of course inline skates look strange and uncomfortable, but I got a pair of those. Of course those are a pain in the ass. I’m such a klutz that even the inline skates are hard for me to maneuver around in. I might as well be wearing high heals with wheels… hmm that might be funny. I sort of wish that roller skates were still popular. Those weren’t as bad, although I’m sure I would still freak out when I go down a hill or slight slope.
When I was living in a section of Henrietta that had more houses and more of a neighborhood, I used to skate a lot (and I really did it too!), but since we moved to this new development, there really isn’t anywhere that I can go that doesn’t get much traffic. I love my house a heck of a lot better than the one that we were renting, but I miss the neighborhood. And I miss living with four other people in the house (besides Jeff and I). It was almost like living in a dorm, with friends coming in and out and all the noise (and fighting). But it was fun because there was always someone to talk to and I usually had a skating partner.
I guess now I’ll have to stick to DDR, and leave the weird stuff to other people. LOL 🙂
BTW, I’ve sent my resume to Ogden Library… scary! I know I won’t ever be able to fill Patty’s shoes, since she’s one of my librarian idols (along with Adrienne and Stephanie), but I really like Anne and Roberta, so I think it could be fun.
I’m doing a presentation in two weeks about comic books for kids, and in researching, I found this interesting discussion about a public library carrying Gunsmith Cats in the children’s collection of their public library. This comic is published by Dark Horse Comics, which usually publishes adult comics. I highlight this because they are usually VERY adult. I may have one series from Dark Horse in my teen section, but I have stickers on them that say they are for OLDER TEENS.
I was really horrified by the way the people discussing viewed librarians and libraries…
“And I know a certain liberal (perverted) librarian (Hi Vicki you miserable wretch. Grow a spine witch) who despises children basically anti-family who moved to the Florida panhandle who would defend this type of kiddie porn comic book. She’s probably ordering stacks to fill her library cuz GOSH, it’s all about free speech.”
A couple of people said that the girl should steal the book and burn it. Terrifying.
Luckily, Conan the Librarian was there to share a librarian’s point of view.
Then I read an article about this poor guy who worked at a comic books store in Texas, and was arrested because he sold an adult comic book to an adult. For shame.
This morning I asked my co-worker if she was going to shop for the day after Thanksgiving sales. She said no, and then she proceeded to say that she wasn’t going to shop at Walmart on Friday or Saturday. When I asked why, she said that Walmart was going to give 5% of their profits to the Gays. Boy did that give me a wake up call:
Then, when I got home, I found an article on Snopes, which stated that its sort-of true. They are donating 5% of the online sales of sales initiated through the web site of the Washington DC Community Center for Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual and Transgender People. Well tons of people will know to do that! (She says very sarcastically!) Even though I hate everything that Walmart stands for, I may have to buy something…
Okay, so maybe I just don’t care to think about all those sad individuals that think that being a homosexual is a dirty, unnatural, sin. I sort of like staying ignorant about that. Although, I guess the people that hate gays want to do the same thing. But since I’m right, I can stay ignorant, right? 🙂
Of course, I still understand that part of my duty as a librarian is to:
But it seems like its one thing when its a strange patron who just wants to check out books and its completely another when its a co-worker that you really like (not in that way though, because it would be dirty 🙂 ). It sort of broke my heart to hear her say that she basically hates homosexuals… especially in Rochester. I mean we aren’t the mecca of homosexuality, but I thought Rochester seemed pretty progressive and open. Of course, this may be my sad delusional ideals protecting me again.
I’m positive that this topic is one of those “deadly sins likely to not get you another job ever again” topics, but I guess I wouldn’t really want to work in a place that wouldn’t hire me for my beliefs on this subject. I completely honor the fact that she hates homosexuals even if from the bottom of my heart I know she’s wrong, and I would treat a patron the same way. Try and be as pleasant as possible, but pity them just the same. So if my future employer couldn’t honor me in the same way, well then pphhtttt to you.
I really had to get that off my back. Oh and I still hate Walmart. I like Target much better, although I’m sure they have some dirty secrets hiding in there… just looked on Snopes. There’s an article about “banning” the term Christmas, banning the Salvation Army and carrying vibrators & not donating to veterans.
If you don’t get a chance to read the articles they:
So I can still like Target. Thank goodness. I may even go there this weekend!… but not on Friday. No shopping on Friday, except maybe to Leaf and Bean.
On a happy note, I got my poi-ple ukulele tonight, and it sounds and look bea-u-ti-FUL!