Archive for the ‘All about the blog (and news too)’ Category

Tell me what you think!

Thursday, November 15th, 2007

I changed my blog theme. You can’t imagine how difficult it was sifting through all the themes, but I thought it was time. The previous one was okay, but it cut off my pictures, and frankly, I was getting tired of it. This one is light and fresh, just like a daisy! … okay, maybe not, but I needed something new. So here it is.

Darn you Adrienne!

Thursday, March 29th, 2007

Non-Kid-Lit Blogs: A Rare Post of the Day

Adrienne tagged me on this meme that’s doing the rounds: Five Non-Kid-Lit Blogs We Read. She got tagged by MotherReader.
Okay. I can do this. Its my responsibility as a blogger to do this. I really can’t believe that this should be so hard since I’m on the internet EVERY DAY. Plus I get caught in the weird blog whirlpool. One blog after another swirling around me. I’ve actually been thinking about this a lot recently. There are so many good blogs out there and as I go into my blog trance, one flowing into the other, I lose track of time and space. Of course I also lose track of which blogs I really like. But like a trooper, I will push forward and take one for the team.

I also decided that I would put blogs that I actually read, not ones that would make me super cool… although I’ve decided that these are pretty cool. I mean my sister’s one of them, for gosh sake! Who’s cooler than that?

  1. My heart of Darkness – By day she’s a Physicist, by night a poet and all the time she’s my sister.
  2. Unshelved – Daily comic that guides me in my attempts at uber-librarian-dom, whatever that is.
  3. Alternative Teen Services – Teen Librarians of the world unite! I want to write articles for the blog, and they said I could. Of course that would mean that I should also write in my own occasionally.
  4. Momchops – I am a faithful reader, now if only she would post more often… of course I could say the same of myself. Feh, I have an excuse. I’m a very busy youth services librarian in a eetsy beetsy library. She’s just the assistant to the director of the Monroe County Library System.
  5. What Not to Crochet – Now that I like crocheting, I had to know what NOT to crochet… although the thong looked awful comfy.

Okay. Who’s turn is it now? Who actually reads my blog? Hmm. How about:

  1. Sam
  2. Patty
  3. Olivia – I don’t know that she actually reads my blog, but should she, TAG! Your it!

Back to reality

Sunday, January 14th, 2007

I’ve hardly been on the Internet these last three? four? weeks. I’ve had lots of vacation, quite a bit of which was spent at Walt Disney World. I had plenty of plans for my time off (hmm. preparing for my presentation maybe?) but it was hard to get anything done with this little “issue” called Jack. For some reason he wanted me to play with him all the time.

… sorry time for bed (its 11:15 pm) I’ll finish up tomorrow. Hopefully.

I did it.

Sunday, November 12th, 2006

I asked them for money. It was scary, but I hit the send button. Deep in my heart I know its worth it. Driving forever to get there, trying to get there early, making sure I have enough copies of book lists and websites, getting enough books to look at, actually speaking for an HOUR (jeez), hanging out after to answer questions, driving an hour or more back (because it’ll be January in Geneva) and making sure that I get to work before I’m late. I think its worth getting paid for. I’m actually getting excited about speaking to a crowd about comic books again. I love those darned things! I just wish I had more time to read them, or maybe just more eyeballs.

Oh goodness. I can never get enough done on my blogs and yet I think my face is sometimes suction cupped to my computer screen. It really is a delightful image. Unfortunately, it doesn’t give me much time to practice my uke. Or play with Jack, or crochet, or read, or go to the bathroom, or clean the house. Eek. Time for bed. Say good night Cathy!

Moving AGAIN!

Wednesday, September 27th, 2006

I am an Internet wanderer. Either that or I’m just plain crazy. I am moving my blog, now for the THIRD time.

I was going to post about this about a week ago, but just before I hit the publish button, the site went down. This is very discouraging, since I use a lot of my blogs for work.

Don’t worry though! I’ve already moved a bit here:

They like me, they really like me!

Thursday, August 4th, 2005

I just googled myself to see if anyone linked to me, and so far two couragous people have done it:

Rabid Librarian & Loopy Librarian

The Loopy Librarian might not even be so loopy because she mentions me, and she likes me! Unfortunately, upon closer inspection, I found out that she/he wrote this over a year and a half ago, and they don’t really care for children’s/young adult public librarian work. Oh well, we can’t be perfect 🙁

But here it is anyway. If you can’t be bothered to click a link…

Must garden in the blog because I haven’t pu the link to Cathy the Librarian up on the roll yet. This is a crime because she’s a refreshing read about a secor I never want to go near and she digs some cool music. I notice the change of template too, another template messer. Cool.