Here I am again to warn you… POETRY ALERT!!
After typing down these poems, I realized that this is often how I write poetry. I try not to think about them too much, but I blast them out as quickly as possible, which is why, as you’ll find out, instead of naming the poems, I just gave them the date and time that I wrote them. Plus, I find that giving names to poems is often more time consuming than actually writing the poems.
I also want to let you know that I am not depressed. These poems may allude to a great inner turmoil. I am sad, but I’m not even sad all the time. I usually get into my “poetry mood” by putting in a Sting cd (especially “Soul Cages”) or listening to my “sad mix” on my mp3 player, mostly Whale Rider, which if you have seen it, you’ll understand. I also don’t make a habit of writing happy poems. Its not really my thing. I don’t think I will ever be allowed to write children’s poetry. Shel Silverstein and Jack Prelutsky I am not.
Here’s the original message:
I’ve not been up to writing. Every time I think about writing, I see that post and.. blah. However Jeff has been pestering me to write again, so I figure I should. When I say I haven’t been writing, that’s not absolutely true. I have a paper journal that I sometimes write in. One night in June I wrote almost a dozen poems about feeling bummed and helpless. I started to think that since my sister can get up the courage to put her poetry up on her blog… I guess I can too. They’re really awful, so I warn you now. Of course you won’t see this until after you read my stuff, so maybe I should warn you after too. 
BTW, I’m doing better, but then I get to thinking about it, or I see a very pregnant person and I get all melancholy. Its interesting though, if I have to let someone I haven’t seen in a while know about it I feel like I need to console them and let them know its okay. Maybe that’s the public servant in me, needing to make sure that everyone’s okay.